How to Prepare Delicious Puding Susu Strawberry

Puding Susu Strawberry.

Puding Susu Strawberry You can have Puding Susu Strawberry using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Puding Susu Strawberry

  1. You need of agar-agar warna merah.
  2. You need of gula pasir.
  3. It's of susu cair.
  4. It's of strawberry.

Puding Susu Strawberry instructions

  1. Siapkan seluruh bahan.
  2. Campur semua bahan kecuali strawberry, iris tipis strawberry. Masak bahan puding sambil diaduk hingga mendidih..
  3. Setelah mendidih, matikan kompor, masukkan irisan buah strawberry. Tuang adonan puding ke cetakan yang sebelumnya telah dibasahi dengan sedikit air..


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