Easiest Way to Make Delicious Cemilan ngirit (#157)

Cemilan ngirit (#157).

Cemilan ngirit (#157) You can have Cemilan ngirit (#157) using 5 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cemilan ngirit (#157)

  1. It's of tepung terigu.
  2. You need of baput geprek cincang halus.
  3. It's of kaldu bubuk.
  4. You need of air biasa.
  5. You need of butter (optional) buat campuran minyak menggoreng.

Cemilan ngirit (#157) instructions

  1. Campur smua bahan sampe rata, masukkan ke plastik ujungnya gunting dikit. Bentuk sesuai selera (sy bulat memutar) lsg di penggorengan myk byk+1sdm butter yg uda panas. Goreng sampe matang kecoklatan jadi deh hoho...


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