Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit

Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit.

Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit You can have Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit

  1. Prepare of macaroni.
  2. It's of daun jeruk.
  3. It's of bon cabe level 30.
  4. Prepare of garam.
  5. It's of Minyak goreng deep fry.

Macaroni Ngehek 5 Menit step by step

  1. Persiapan: Bersihkan dan iris daun jeruk. Goreng kering.
  2. Goreng deep fry seluruh macaroni hingga kuning kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan..
  3. Taruh macaroni dalam toples. Tambahkan daun jeruk, bon cabe level 30, dan garam. Kocok hingga tercampur rata. Kriuknya pas dan pedasnya nampol. Wajib recook!.


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