Recipe: Appetizing Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami

Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami.

Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami You can cook Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami

  1. You need of ayam fillet, sy pakai resep ayam fillet nestum (lihat resep).
  2. It's of bahan sambal :.
  3. Prepare of tomat, potong2.
  4. Prepare of bawang merah.
  5. Prepare of bumbu halus :.
  6. You need of cabai rawit merah.
  7. Prepare of cabai merah keriting.
  8. You need of terasi bakar.
  9. Prepare of gula (sy 1/4 sdt).
  10. You need of garam (sy 1/4 sdt).
  11. Prepare of minyak untuk menumis (sy 3 sdm).

Ayam Fillet Sambal Gami instructions

  1. Haluskan bumbu halus,bisa menggunakan cobek/blender.
  2. Panaskan wajan, kalau aslinya pake cobek dari tanah liat. Tambahkan irisan bawang aduk hingga layu, Lalu Masukkan Bumbu halus koreksi rasa..
  3. Tambahkan tomat, Masukkan ayam fillet, aduk rata. Sajikan..


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