Recipe: Appetizing Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack

Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack.

Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack You can have Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack

  1. Prepare of Bahan :.
  2. You need of nanas madu.
  3. You need of daun pokcoy.
  4. You need of timun.
  5. You need of air matang.
  6. You need of madu murni.

Jus Pakcoy Nanas Timun Healthy Snack instructions

  1. Cuci bersih semua bahan. Blander semua bahan hingga halus (kecuali madu).
  2. Dalam gelas tuang madu dan jus yg sudah halus di bland, aduk rata.
  3. Lalu sajikan tanpa disaring.. MaasyaaAllah segarrr.. InsyaaAllah obat utk hipertensi karena semua penyakit ada obatnya🙏.


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